Brookings, Oregon

Brief update. We have been in Brookings, Oregon a few days now. I’m loving it so far. I’ve seen elk, newts, crayfish, and black and white ducks. We are staying at Alfred Loeb State Park. The river is this light blue green color and very clear. I went swimming a few times despite that it’s quite cold.

Yosemite and NorCal


The weather cleared up, I did more exploring, and Yosemite was amazing- probably my favorite place I’ve been. I actually really enjoyed hiking up a moderately difficult trail to Yosemite Falls. I got a lot of great photographs. The one above was taken by Joey. We had a campsite right on the Merced River.

We had to stop in San Francisco for Joey to pick up supplies. Now we are north of Fort Bragg, on the coast. Yesterday we saw seals and tide pools. I really like the darker sand and the lighter ocean, as compared to SoCal and most every other beach I’ve seen.

Anyway, I just thought I’d drop a quick note.

A rainy morning in Yosemite

I am realizing how much I missed pine trees, and shade, and rain. It’s such a relief to be here. This is my first time in Yosemite National Park. I’ve barely explored at all yet, but I already am in love. The smell of pine, and rain, and campfires… cool air… It’s wonderful. It’s supposed to rain most the time we are here, unfortunately. Joey and I are going to take a shuttle and go exploring very soon. We have an umbrella.

The AWP Conference in Los Angeles went really well. It was good for me. I sold books, and I’m hoping to reap the rewards long-term. I met people and networked and that kind of stuff that doesn’t come entirely with ease. I’m feeling good about it.

But I’m feeling even better about heading north! It feels like we are finally free. For the longest time, everything was structured around Joey getting surgery. Then I had my big reading in San Francisco, and then AWP. Now we can do as we please. Joey’s business is going well too.

We didn’t end up going through the Eastern Sierras via route 395. It was snowy. Instead we went via route 99 and 140. We stopped briefly at Red Rock Canyon.

Last night we were watching Joey’s Firefly DVDs and we realized that a lot of it is totally filmed in Acton, where we were staying. That was awesome, but I gotta say, I am ready for a long break from the dry south west. Especially Los Angeles County. Especially Antelope Valley.

It’s funny how I have trouble recalling specific anecdotes to share. I have this vague sense of them, but they are just beyond my reach. Memory is weird.

I’ve been stressed about the anti-trans laws and sentiment in the US lately. I’m privileged to currently be able to put some space between me and the realities of civilization.

So yeah, I’m gonna get back to doing that.

OH! OH OH OH. I almost forgot! We went to a wildcat sanctuary! With tigers, leopards, cheetahs, snow leopards (my favorite). It was awesome.